Divine Living

Your Personal Power Is Real!

Episode Summary

Hey queen, today, I'll be talking about personal power. If this sounds like your thing (and I know it does), tune in!

Episode Notes

Queen, I'm back with a brand new episode of Divine Living, and in this one, I discuss something important to all of us: Personal power. 

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about that subject. 

Yes, we know we're powerful. Our thoughts can actually be manifested, and we can be, do, and have anything that our hearts desire!

And yet, we all keep listening to that scary voice in our head. The one asking all of the negative "what if" questions. What if I don't make it? What if I lose everything? What if I'm not worthy?

But I want you to remember: None of those thoughts are true!! 

So, queen, if you've been feeling like this lately, grab yourself a drink, have a seat, and listen to this episode. I hope it helps you see yourself as I do!