Divine Living

What If You Didn’t Have to Worry?

Episode Summary

What does it take to manifest? Focus, belief, commitment...notice I didn’t say work? We can’t truly embody the feminine art of manifesting if we’re still relying on the over-masculine ways of “doing” to make things happen. In this episode, join me in releasing the “how’s” and surrendering to Spirit.

Episode Notes

What does it take to manifest? Focus, belief, commitment...notice I didn’t say work?

We can’t truly embody the feminine art of manifesting if we’re still relying on the over-masculine ways of “doing” to make things happen.

Whenever you find yourself forcing the “how’s”, recognize that’s not your job. Your job is to be confident in who you’re committed to being and let Spirit handle the rest.

The logical mind may try to convince you otherwise, and that’s when you can actively choose to surrender to the Divine. 

Remember, surrendering isn’t about giving up, it’s about giving over.

In this episode, we go into more depth about the art of surrender. Be sure to tune in today!