Divine Living

Money Transformation Training

Episode Summary

Today, I discuss money and spirituality and how, YES, they can go together. All you have to do is open yourself to the possibilities!

Episode Notes

Queen, you deserve everything in the world and more!!

And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. Yes, you deserve money, and you deserve to live a beautiful, fulfilling, good life!

So many of you listening to this podcast are spiritual people, and I applaud you for that. But for years and years, we have been taught that spirituality and money and abundance don't go together, and that's an idea I want you to let go off.

Being spiritual doesn't mean having to live a small life, devoid of material happiness. You can be wealthy AND God-loving. 

I want you to live life abundantly, because you deserve it! There is nothing spiritual about lack, so don't feel ashamed for wanting more. 

Money is currency and currency is energy. And you are meant to live on energy, so yes queen, go after that money!