Divine Living

How I was ruining my life (and marriage)

Episode Summary

Have you ever been so deep in the stress of future-tripping that you find yourself with an emotional hangover? I was there recently when I thought we were going to have to move out of our Italian dream home that took us over a year to find (more about that in this episode!). If you’re in the midst of a stressful situation, not sure what’s next, tune in! We all come across these types of human experiences and it’s up to us to get intentional about the questions we ask in alignment with our desires. EPISODE RESOURCES Get the book

Episode Notes

Have you ever been so deep in the stress of future-tripping that you find yourself with an emotional hangover? I was there recently when I thought we were going to have to move out of our Italian dream home that took us over a year to find (more about that in this episode!). If you’re in the midst of a stressful situation, not sure what’s next, tune in! We all come across these types of human experiences and it’s up to us to get intentional about the questions we ask in alignment with our desires.